If you are considering buying or selling, now is a great time. Future predictions indicate that home pricing will not go down in the next decade.
If you are waiting to get into the market, you may be waiting too long as home pricing most likely will continue to go up. The higher home prices are NOW the NEW market value.
Today, you can still get the benefit of low interest rates on the buy side. And on the sell side, you can benefit from the heated market.
Check out real estate industry expert, Dave Ramsey, on real estate values: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8B-Com5Z2k
Cal Yoder is a Dave Ramsey Endorsed Local Provider (ELP). ELPs are in the top 10% of real estate agents in their local area in buying and selling homes. Only the most trustworthy, high caliber, well respected real estate agents receive this designation.
You can trust all your real estate needs with The Cal Yoder Team. Please let us know how we can help by reaching out to us at 717-413-0744.